Saturday, November 27

Beautiful winter come from the sky
Is the perfect time to die
You know I am dead in the snow
So look in my eyes
Covered be eyes
All my tears are like stones
There is music in my bones
Look in my nose the breath is frozen
All inside me is like the stones
There is music in my bones
There is music in my bones
I'm happy now you don't see me how
I take care of you
You don't care
But I'm happy now you don't see me how
I take care of you
You don't care
But I'm happy now you don't see me.....
Met me at the end of sky
I'll teach you
How too die
You know I am dead in the snow...
So look
( Winter - Ada Milea )


adriana said...

Cu toate ca sunt nascuta iarna, nu imi mai place zapada si asta pentru ca in Bucuresti, mereu sau aproape mereu, iarna este mizerabila. Dar inchid ochii si imi imaginez o iarna la Marisel, un sat aproape de Belis, cu tot drumul dintre Cluj si Huedin, dar nu cel drept pe sosea ci cel serpuit printre munti, ape, brazi, oameni si cer. Stiu o poienita pe acolo, unde zeci de copii ne-am putea sfinti, facand in zapada ingeri.

anca d. said...