Friday, November 27

Der Duft

Wer bist Du, unbegreiflicher, Du Geist,
wie weisst Du mich von wo und wann zu finden
der Du das Innere, wie ein Erblinden,
so innig machst, das es sich schliesst und kreist.

Der Liebende, der eine an sich reisst
hat sie nicht nah, nur Du allein bist Naehe.
Wen hast Du nicht durchtraenkt, als ob Du, jaehe,
die Farbe seiner Augen seist.

Ach wer Musik in einem Spiegel saehe,
der saehe Dich und wuesste wer Du seisst...


day-dreamer said...

Acum nu ştiu eu ce să-ţi spun. Poate într-o zi, când limba germană nu-mi va fi atât de străină... :)

Francesco said...

Sau in engleza:
Rainer-Maria Rilke: Who are you

Who are you, unfathomable Spirit?
How cau you know when and whrere to find me?
You make one's heart so inward-looking - as one struck blind -
That it encircles and closes in on itself.

Even a lover embracing his beloved
Is not so close as you. You alone are nearness itself.
Whom have you not permeated through and through,
As though suddenly becoming the pigment in his eyes?


Ah! He who could see music in a mirror,
Would see you, and know your name.

Anna said...

Super Francesco! Multumim mult.

Dana said...

Superb!...Ca toata poezia lui Rilke.
Intr-adevar ii multumim lui Francesco!