Saturday, November 19

To be in love, however briefly
Is to be truly, wonderfully alive.
Never to have loved
Is to leave the map of your soul
uncharted, unexplored.
But be aware, before embarking on your
heart's voyage of discovery,
That there will be stormy seas,
and troubled waters
before you reach the island paradise
of your dreams.
You cannot know the ecstacies of loving
Without having suffered its agonies.
And only when you have waited, cold and lonely,
through the hours of night
Will you truly savour the morning sun,
Feeling its warmth caress your body,
And before you can fly like an eagle
High and free in the endless blue sky
You must know what it is
To be helpless, hopeless, lost and grounded.
But oh! be not afraid of love
Be ready, be always ready
And when the spirit of true love comes to you
Embrace him, embrace him unashamedly.
Let him possess you, body and soul
And he will take you to places
You have never even imagined
And you will feel,
In every fibre of your being,
As you have never, ever felt before.
Allow yourself to be happy
And acknowledge that you are.
Cherish each and every moment,
For they will never come again.
Time rushes by for lovers,
And the simple gesture of today
Is the treasured memory of tomorrow.
Give and receive freely,
Remember you are blessed to be loved
But doubly blessed when you love in return.


Anonymous said...

Anna, întotdeauna atâta cât vei da, atâta vei primi, dar și mai mult poate, când totul se deschide cu... dragoste. Știu, o știi foarte bine. Textele tale vibrează de... ea. Erau gânduri care doar confirmă ultimele versuri ale cântecului, versuri (oare, cine le-a scris?)care nu greșesc în nicio privință, poate, doar... un pic: nu-i dublă Iubirea ce ți-e întoarsă, ci... înmiită.

O dimineață așa cum ți-o dorești,


nico211 said...

Frumoase versuri!!!